
Hiding Your Secret File in a picture

Hiding Your Secret File in a picture

$ You will need winrar$

1. Gather your image and the files you wish to hide into it. Here I have a deepak.txt which I will hide inside my ashish.jpg.

2.Add the files( deepak.txt) you want to hide into a new RAR archive. In
the archieve name box type deepak.txt and hit enter. Now your file is
in format deepak.txt.rar

3. Open Command Prompt and go to the folder where your files are located, for example, ‘C:\new folder’.

4. At command prompt type ‘copy /b ashish.jpg + deepak.txt.rar anurag.jpg’ (without quotes).
is the picture I want to show, deepak.txt.rar is the file to be hidden,
and anurag.jpg is the file which contains both).

5. Now double on anurag.jpg . it still opens.

6. Now opening that same anurag.jpg file . openwith->WinRar archiever. It will show the original hidden file deepak.txt.

anurag.jpg is a simple JPEG file, but it contains a secret file deepak.txt